March 2015 Goals


While I admittedly tend to have fairly low expectations for February (one of my two least favorite months of the year – ha!), it shaped up to be a really great month in a plethora of ways. It’s hard to generalize an entire month into one or two descriptive words or even sentences, but overall, there were so many things that made me want to jump up and down! I’m so grateful. I celebrated one year of Stephanie Scholl Events, confirmed several new brides for the year (including a New Year’s Eve wedding!), had so many wonderful and fun times with friends, saw plenty of magical snow, and much more. I also can’t share quite yet (don’t you hate that?!), but oh goodness, some big things are cooking! Now that I think about it, February has often been the month of lots of change and growth for me throughout the last couple years. I’m pretty excited to see what’s in store for March. And bring on Spring!

February Goals

1. Continue to track my food & go for regular afternoon walks at work [food tracked – yes! walks during work – about half the time. so cold!]

2. Read two business-related books [I finished four! More here!]
3. Meet with three brides about their upcoming weddings [Yes, yes, yes! What a year it’s shaping up to be!!!]
4. Purchase a (modified) bar cart & style it [Done and done! Obsessed.]
5. Renew my passport [Totally failed on even starting on this. Sigh!]
6. Ride my bike at least four times [With six+ inches of snow on the ground? Sadly didn’t happen!]
7. Blog about the January wedding I planned [Still waiting on pictures from the photographer – I’ve only seen a sneak peek. Gorgeous!!!]
8. Keep up with an ongoing prayer list & be better about praying before meals [I’m really enjoying writing down prayers – and subsequently seeing them answered! – and need to improve on praying before meals]
9. Send Valentines to loved ones [Yes! I love spreading a little extra love.]
10. Plan how I’m going to celebrate my birthday (in early March) this year – giving back or spreading joy somehow [I hope I accomplish this!! I’ve already taken action on my plan, and I’ll share more tomorrow!]
March Goals
1. Buy flowers for someone, just because – and treat myself to fresh flowers, too!
2. Bike, run, and play tennis outside as much as possible
3. Make some huge business/wedding/styling dreams happen this month!!!
4. Celebrate my birthday with loved ones & also spread joy through acts of kindness with others
5. Do at least one new-to-me DC activity or event
6. Lead my small group
7. Renew that darn passport
8. Finishing planning and fully coordinate my March bride’s wedding here in DC!
9. Enjoy my Spring Break (in Boston + New Hampshire; how ironic!) and unplug as much as possible
10. Finish reading Psalms
11. “Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!:  – Philippians 4:4
Have you set monthly goals for March? I would love to take a peek at yours, if you did. I love seeing how others plan out their months, and sharing goals is empowering and holds me accountable!

9 thoughts on “March 2015 Goals

  1. Ooooh, I just love goals. It lets me get to know the blogger even better, to see what they’re dreaming for and aspiring to! Your goals are awesome, girlfriend. I love that it’s your birthday month too! And that Philippians verse…SO GOOD.

  2. Sounds like it will be an amazing month! I’m excited about all of your new brides, and to hear your birthday plans!

    1. March is always one of my favorite months – it seems like there is always a bit of renewal and excitement (and the promise of Spring, of course!). I’m really excited about my new brides, too… what a blessing this journey has been!

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